Contribuţii Botanice 2017
Grădina Botanică "Alexandru Borza"
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SALAJ FLORA Gavril NEGREAN*, Carol KARACSONYI**, Paul-Marian SZATMARI***,**** *155 Iuliu Maniu Bd., RO-77531 Bucuresti, Romania **Allgaustr. 2, D-88212 Ravensburg, Germany ***Biological Research Center, Botanical Garden Vasile Fati, 16 Wesselenyi Miklos St., RO-455200 Jibou, Romania ****Babes-Bolyai University, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania email: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.1 Abstract: In this paper we present a general description of the flora of Salaj County. The work is based on literature data and especially on our field research. The inventory consists of more than 2000 species and subspecies, and the results are remarkably interesting. The number of taxa is much higher than we expected. This is due to the rather varied landforms, except real mountains (more than 1000 a.s.l.), but mainly because of the presence of the extensive areas covered by limestone and gypsum. The region is situated at the junction of some major geographical areas: the Transylvanian Plain in the east, the Pannonian Plain in the west, the Eastern Carpathians in the north, and the Apuseni Mountains in the south. A number of genera were identified as new for this region (Arnica, Blechnum, Cynoglottis, Klasea, Menyanthes, Neslia, Ophioglossum, Oxytropis, Parnassia, Puccinellia, Scopolia, Waldsteinia, etc.). Also, some rare species for Romania are particularly important from a phytogeographical point of view (Anagallis minima, Aphanes arvensis, Arabis recta, Artemisia alba, Cardamine parviflora, Myosotis discolor, Rumex thyrsiflorus, Sorbus danubialis, etc.). Many species new to Romania, important from a sozological point of view, were discovered. Some of these are of national interest, others are endangered at a European level. In the area 44 endemic and subendemic species have been found (Carpathian, Dacian, Pannonian, etc.): Aconitum moldavicum, Centaurea scabiosa subsp. sadleriana, Cirsium furiens, Helleborus purpurascens, Phyteuma tetramerum, Thlaspi jankae, Viola jooi, etc. The most important are the Transylvanian Basin endemics: Jurinea transylvanica, Onosma pseudoarenaria, Salvia transsylvanica, Cephalaria radiata. There are 16 Species of Community Interest (e.g. Cypripedium calceolus, Eleocharis carniolica, Galanthus nivalis, Huperzia selago, Lycopodium clavatum, Sphagnum spp.), 13 species from the Romanian Red Book (e.g. Ophrys apifera, Sagina subulata, Gypsophila collina), and 124 taxa are included in the National Red Lists of Romania (e.g. Cephalanthera spp., Echinops ritro subsp. ruthenicus, Dactylorhiza spp., Daphne cneorum, Dictamnus albus, Erucastrum nasturtiifolium, Neottia ovata, Neotinea tridentata, Orchis purpurea). Key words: Salaj flora, general description, taxonomy, sozology, Romania, Transylvania and Crisana regions | [abstract] | [PDF] | ANALYSIS OF FAMILY PRIMULACEAE FROM CARL STUDNICZKA'S HERBARIUM Dalibor VLADOVIC*, Bozena MITIC** *Natural History Museum and Zoo, Kolombatovicevo setaliste 2, HR-21 000 Split, Croatia **Botanic Institute of PMF, University of Zagreb, Marulicev trg 20/ II, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.2 Abstract: In the C. Studniczka's herbarium we have found new herbarium folder which contain herbarium samples from family Primulaceae (Ord. Primulaceeen) which one part has already been analysed (Vladovic et al., 2014b). We analysed the data from the new map and integrated with already known data for the family Primulaceae. Most of the analysed herbal material (95 herbarium sheets, with 391 samples of herbal plants) in this part of the C. Studniczka's herbarium were collected in Europe (87 herbarium sheets). According to the labels, the majority of herborized material was collected in the area of Austria (27 herbarium sheets). Most herbarium sheets belong to Flora Dalamtiens collection (11) - including Flora Suddalmatiens collection. In reference to the part of Studniczka's herbarium which has already been analysed, there is one botanist or collector which is mentioned for the first time: Hieronymus. Most herbarium sheets were collected by Studniczka himself (38). The oldest herbarium sheets dates from 1866, where as the newest ones date from 1904. The exact year of collection is missing from 6 herbarium labels. Key words: Studniczka's herbarium, Natural History Museum Split, Croatia | [abstract] | [PDF] | DYNAMIC-CATENAL PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL MAPPING OF CORSICA: INDUCTIVE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH Pauline DELBOSC*,**, Frederic BIORET*, Christophe PANAIOTIS** *EA 7462 Geoarchitecture, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, UFR Sciences et Techniques, 6 Bd. Victor le Gorgeu, F-29200 Brest, France **Conservatoire Botanique National de Corse, 14 Avenue Jean Nicoli, F-20250 Corte, France e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.3 Abstract: Since the 1970's, the works of Tuxen, Gehu and Rivas-Martinez on the dynamic-catenal phytosociology allowed a better integratation of vegetation dynamics, by describing more precisely the dynamic trajectories of vegetation series. Since 1973, the context of sigmatist phytosociology extends the conceptual and methodological approach to conservatory management applications of natural and semi-natural vegetations. Since the end of the XXth century, methodologies for the study of vegetation dynamics have been developed according to various typological and cartographical scalar approaches. Logistic and it tools have contributed significantly to the research work by integrating a spatial dimension into vegetation dynamics. The national program for the mapping of natural and semi-natural vegetation in France (CarHAB) was launched in 2010 at the initiative of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE). Its aim is to establish an Information System on natural and semi-natural vegetations in France, with a view to developing tools for spatial planning, national policies for nature conservation (strategy for the creation of protected areas...) and European obligations (assessment of the state of conservation of habitats of community interest...). This program is focused on the dynamical and landscape phytosociological method or dynamic-catenal phytosociology. This methodology provides a systematic and integrated analysis of all the biotic and abiotic components and the complexity of the ecological systems of the plant landscape. This paper explains the methodology of mapping vegetation series and geoseries on various symphytosociological map approaches in Europe, whose aim is: - to develop a precise and pragmatic methodological approach for mapping the series and geosystems of Corsican vegetation at 1:25000; - consider the scientific aspects of the design of map (work scales, typology, map underlayers ...), techniques and semiology of its realization (colours saturation and tone, forms of expression...). Key words: landscape mapping, vegetation series and geoseries, vegetation landscape, CarHAB program, Corsica. | [abstract] | [PDF] | THREE-DIMENSIONAL MAPS OF VEGETATION SERIES AND GEOSERIES WITH THE USE OF STEREOGRAMS Franco PEDROTTI University of Camerino, Palazzo Castelli, Via Pontoni 5, I-62032 Camerino (MC), Italy e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.4 Abstract: This work presents a three-dimensional model for vegetation mapping at different levels of integration by using a stereogram. The classic method used in vegetation cartography is that of vegetation maps (bi-dimensional model). Tri-dimensional mapping through stereograms represents a step forward because it emphasizes the relationships between vegetation distribution and physical factors (orography and geomorphology), and climatic ones (phytoclimate). The area mapped is the Altipiano di Pine (the Pine Highland), located between 800 and 1600 m of altitude in the central Alps, Trentino, Italy. Three stereograms were produced, one for the vegetation series (16), one for the geoseries (9) and one for the phytoclimatic sectors (2). The use of stereograms is particulary useful for mapping areas of limited extension displaying a high beta-diversity of vegetation, which is determined by a wide altitudinal range, and/or heterogeneous geomorphotypes and mesoclimatic types (medium-scale environmental heterogeneity). Key words: altitudinal range, beta-diversity, central Alps, environmental heterogeneity, Italy, landscape phytosociology, geomorphotypes, phytoclimate | [abstract] | [PDF] | THE LAST WETLANDS IN THE IER VALLEY NATURA 2000 PROTECTED AREA - CASE STUDY: THE HABITATS AROUND PIR VILLAGE, SATU MARE COUNTY, ROMANIA Paul-Marian SZATMARI*,** *Biological Research Center, Botanical Garden Vasile Fati, 16 Wesselenyi Miklos St., RO-455200 Jibou, Romania **Babes-Bolyai University, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.5 Abstract: In this paper are presented new scientific data from Ier Plain Natura 2000 protected area, located in the south-western part of Satu Mare County, north-western Romania. The fieldwork was carried out in the surroundings of Pir village, where we can still find natural and semi-natural habitats. Unfortunately, in the last few years these sites were heavily affected by human activity, and thus we recommend some urgent measures to stop and to prevent future damage. This area still preserves rare species of plants and animals, relicts from the colder periods and Natura 2000 protected habitats. All these ecosystems survived the great drainages that were carried out in the communist period. The study analyses the ten Natura 2000 habitats identified in the area, habitats that shelters as many as 490 plant species. Each habitat is discussed separately, with mention of the rare and endangered species. During the fieldwork several relict plant species and associations were found. These are also presented in this paper. The results of this study are an addition to the data regarding the Ier Plain Natura 2000 protected site. We also want to draw attention to the failure to follow the rules imposed by the European Union regarding the management of the Natura 2000 protected areas. For example, in the Ier Valley (Ier Plain) the destruction is still ongoing in the natural habitats. Key words: Ier Valley (Ier Plain), Natura 2000, threatened species, glacial relicts | [abstract] | [PDF] | PARTICULARITIES OF THE SWAMP VEGETATION
Irina GOIA*, Alexandra SUTEU**, Miruna GHINDEANU*, Adrian OPREA*** *Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, 44 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania **Babes-Bolyai University, Al. Borza Botanical Garden, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania ***Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Anastasie Fatu Botanic Garden, 7-9 Dumbrava Rosie St., RO-700487 Iasi, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.6 Abstract: The swamp vegetation survey was conducted along the Romanian bank of the Danube River, in the Portile de Fier (Iron Gates) Natural Park area, in Mehedinti and Caras-Severin counties. 20 plant communities and one subassociation belonging to Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea and Littorelletea classes were identified. The surveys led to the identification of 8 newly described phytocoenotaxa for this protected area, with one plant association - Cypero-Paspaletum distichi - being mentioned for the first time in Romania. All the plant communities in this paper are documented by phytosociological tables, being accompanied by coenotaxonomic, phytogeographical and ecological analyses, in order to assess their conservation status, as the main tool for further management decision making. Key words: Danube gorge, herbaceous marsh communities, natural habitats, rare species, allien species | [abstract] | [PDF] | REVIEW OF HABITAT DISTRIBUTION, CONSERVATION STATUS AND HUMAN IMPACT: THE CASE OF ONE NATURA 2000 SITE IN THE EASTERN CARPATHIANS (ROMANIA) Tudor Mihai URSU*, Sorina FARCAS*, Gheorghe COLDEA*, Ilie Adrian STOICA*, Marian PROOROCU** *National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Institute of Biological Research Cluj, 48 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania **University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Agriculture, 3-5 Calea Manastur, RO-400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.7 Abstract: This paper focuses on the distribution of habitats in the Natura 2000 ROSCI0086 Gaina-Lucina site, as well as on their conservation status and human impacts. The site analyzed is part of the Natura 2000 Network in Romania and is located in the region of Moldova. It has a total area of 848 ha. The habitat types for which the site has been declared are: 7110* - Active raised bogs, 91D0* - Bog woodland and 91E0* - Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae). Aside from the habitat types listed in the standard form, five additional ones of community interest have been identified: 6520 - Mountain hay meadows, 6510 - Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis), 9410 - Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea), 7140 - Transition mires and quaking bogs and 6430 - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels. The data collected in the field has served to verify and correct the existing Standard Natura 2000 Form of the site. It represents the scientific foundation of the Management Plan, providing information on the distribution of the habitats, their conservation status, current and potential sources of human impact, and conservation measures needed to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for these habitats. Key words: Gaina-Lucina SCI, habitat types, mapping, current pressures, future threats | [abstract] | [PDF] | A CASE STUDY IN THE MOLDAVIAN CENTRAL PLATEAU, ROMANIA - HABITAT DISTRIBUTION, CONSERVATION STATUS AND HUMAN IMPACT IN A PROTECTED AREA Ilie-Adrian STOICA*, Sorina FARCAS*, Tudor Mihai URSU*, Bogdan Iuliu HURDU*, Pavel Dan TURTUREANU**, Mihai PUSCAS**,***, Adrian OPREA****, Marian PROOROCU***** *National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Institute of Biological Research Cluj, 48 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania **Babes-Bolyai University, Al. Borza Botanical Garden, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania ***Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Geology, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania ****University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Botanical Garden, 7-9 Dumbrava Rosie St., RO-700487 Iasi, Romania *****University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Agriculture, 3-5 Calea Manastur, RO-400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.8 Abstract: The paper presents the results of the studies performed in the Natura 2000 site Padurea Barnova-Repedea (ROSCI0135), in order to identify and map habitat types and plant species of community interest. Palynological and archaeo-botanical studies in the region were reviewed, in order to assess the presence of the ancient forests. This protected area was designed to preserve forests from two habitats types of community interest, namely Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests and Dacian oak-hornbeam forests, and to shelter a species of wild and endangered orchid, Cypripedium calceolus L. During the field work other Natura 2000 habitats of community interest have been identified: mountain hay meadows, Ponto-Sarmatic steppes and Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets. The information obtained provided new data on the habitats and plant species distribution. Field data were correlated with existing topographic maps and aerial photography. The use of the Geographic Information System allowed translating the field distribution of the species and habitat types into accurate maps, which can be used in the future by the managers of this site for implementing adaptive conservation measures. The human activities with potential impact on this Natura 2000 site have been recorded. The map of current pressures on the site was generated based on these impact categories Key words: Padurea Barnova-Repedea SCI, Natura 2000 ecological network, mapping, Cypripedium calceolus, Romanian habitat classification system, vegetation history | [abstract] | [PDF] | VEGETATION FEATURES OF SALAJ COUNTY Carol KARACSONYI*, Gavril NEGREAN**, Paul-Marian SZATMARI***,**** *Allgaustr. 2, D-88212- Ravensburg, Germany **55 Iuliu Maniu Bd., RO-77531 Bucuresti, Romania ***Biological Research Center, Botanical Garden Vasile Fati, 16 Wesselenyi Miklos St., RO-455200 Jibou, Romania ****Babes-Bolyai University, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.9 Abstract: Field research, carried out in recent years, has revealed some 166 plant associations in Salaj County. In general, the vegetation cover of this territory has some similarities with the vegetation of the Transylvanian Basin, which is characterized by the presence of fewer pond and swamp associations. The most common plant associations are thermophilous, encountered mainly in the hilly areas. There are also communities of mountainous regions, the forest types being more prevalent. Key words: Salaj County, plant community survey | [abstract] | [PDF] | OBSERVATIONS ON LEAF DECURRENCY AND STEM WINGING IN
Gabriel LAZAR*, Marius DANCIU** *National Forestry Research and Development Institute Marin Dracea - Brasov Branch,
13 Closca St., RO-500040 Brasov, Romania **48 Grivitei St., ap. 29, RO-500182 Brasov, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.10 Abstract: Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. is a species with a large circumpolar Arctic-Alpine distribution range, recognized as highly polymorphic, due to variation in environmental factors but also possibly as a result of episodes of hybridization or manifestations of polyploidy. In the Fagaras Mountains, on Buteanu Ridge, a population of Saussurea alpina subsp. macrophylla (Sauter) Nyman showing a significant percentage of individuals with winged stems due to leaf decurrency was discovered. Degree of decurrency ranged from low to high. This character, resulting in a winged stem, common to other species of the genus such as Saussurea porcii Degen and Saussurea parviflora (Poiret) DC, has not been reported so far in Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. Further research revealed the presence of winged stems also in other populations of Saussurea alpina from the Fagaras Mountains. Key words: Saussurea alpina (L.) DC., leaf decurrency, winged stems, populations, Fagaras Mountains. | [abstract] | [PDF] | AREAS WITH HIGH FLORISTIC DIVERSITY IN SALAJ COUNTY THAT REQUIRE PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION Paul-Marian SZATMARI*,**, Gavril NEGREAN***, Carol KARACSONYI**** *Biological Research Center, Botanical Garden Vasile Fati, 16 Wesselenyi Miklos St., RO-455200 Jibou, Romania **Babes-Bolyai University, 42 Republicii St., RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania ***55 Iuliu Maniu Bd., RO-77531 Bucuresti, Romania ****Allgaustr. 2, D-88212 Ravensburg, Germany e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.11 Abstract: Following floristic studies undertaken over several years throughout Salaj County, we have identified many regions of exceptional floristic diversity. Here, the habitats are less affected by human activity, revealing an overview of the vegetation that once dominated the county. These sites conserve a number of rare, protected, endemic, steppe relict or otherwise interesting plant species from a scientific and floristic point of view. These areas include forests, marshes, rocky habitats with limestone or gypsum, and the meadow-steppe characteristic for Transylvania. The establishment of new protected areas to include these kind of habitats is therefore extremely important to ensure the perpetuation of the rare species, some of which have large populations. Many of these species reach their northern limit in Romania or are reported for the first time in the north-western part of the country. The proposals for new protected areas come as a result of a detailed scientific research on the county. These studies will complete our knowledge of the flora of Salaj County, which is poorly documented, and because of that the region has a very small number of protected areas. Key words: Salaj County flora, protected areas, rare and protected species | [abstract] | [PDF] | EXPECTED FLORISTIC CHANGES IN HYGRO-CRYOPHILIC AND SNOWBED PLANT COMMUNITIES CAUSED BY CLIMATE CHANGE AND HUMAN IMPACT IN THE ROMANIAN CARPATHIANS Ilie-Adrian STOICA*, Nicolae HODOR**, Traian TUDOSE**, Gheorghe COLDEA* *Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Institute of Biological Research, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania **Department of Physical and Technical Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: DOI: 10.24193/Contrib.Bot.52.12 Abstract: In the Romanian Carpathians, there are only 6 massifs where glacial forms (valleys and cirques) occupy sufficiently large areas to support typical high altitude wetlands and snowbed vegetation. We have analyzed 424 relevees with this type of vegetation published in Romanian literature in the past century from these massifs. The cryophilic vegetation was grouped in 17 plant associations, 4 alliances and 3 Natura 2000 habitats. A total of 150 subalpine-alpine plant species (11 endemic) were registered in these communities (27% of the total 550 high mountain taxa found in the entire Romanian Carpathian range). Future scenarios for the glacial landforms of the Carpathians suggest a temperature increase of about 2.5 degrees Celsius in 2050 and 3.0 degrees Celsius in 2070. Species adapted to cool humid environments (Soldanella rugosa, Soldanella pusilla, Lychnis nivalis, Carex lachenalis, Chrysosplenium alpinum, Carex nigra subsp. dacica, Carex pyrenaica, Carex bicolor, Juncus castaneus, Juncus triglumis, Plantago gentianoides) are the most exposed to the threat of climate warming, as the disappearance of their typical habitat would mean extinction. Aside from the endemic flora, other cryophilic alpine taxa are also threatened. Natura 2000 habitats typical to these landforms (6150, 7240* and 3220) are being monitored in all 6 massifs, but there are no current administrative measures to monitor the presence of cryophilic species or plans to place glacial landforms under strict protection (IUCN category 1a), measures needed as human impact is more and more present at high altitudes. Key words: glacial landforms, high altitude wetlands, endemic species, alpine and boreal habitats, temperature projections, extinction risk, snow depth, plant diversity | [abstract] | [PDF] | IN MEMORIAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria BECHET (11.11. 1928 - 13.09.2017) Vasile CRISTEA Abstract: Key words: | [abstract] | [PDF] | BARRY COMMONER (25.05.1917 - 30.09.2012): 100 YEARS FROM HIS BIRTH Vasile CRISTEA Abstract: Key words: | [abstract] | [PDF] |